If you don’t recognise the man in the first grab below, he calls himself the Apostate Prophet. He claims to have been born in Germany, to have returned to his ancestral Turkish homeland, then to have emigrated to the United States. I have no reason to take issue with any claim about his personal life. Obviously he speaks German and Turkish, he speaks English like a native, an Englishman rather than an American, and clearly a bit of Arabic too, so academically at least, this is one highly intelligent individual.
The woman in the second grab is older than she looks; born and raised in Canada, she is of Saudi stock, an authentic Arab.
They are both ex-Moslems.
Okay, you don’t believe in the Qur’an, I get that. You don’t believe in God either, nor do I, never have. There is injustice in Saudi Arabia; there is injustice in the Islamic world. But there is injustice everywhere, something Islam’s critics always seem to forget.
Both are rightly scornful of so-called Moslem feminist Linda Sarsour, a woman whose surname means cockroach in Arabic, but Sarsour is a media creation; if you want to understand her true significance, perhaps even her true purpose, refer to my blog YouTube Censorship And The 1% Rule.
Our Apostate friend doesn’t like Minister Farrakhan, neither does Yasmine Mohammed. She calls Farrakhan an anti-Semite and a homophobe; he adds anti-white and anti-woman. The charge of anti-Semitism is easily made, but Farrakhan is no Jew-hater, rather he is extremely well read, including the conspiracy literature, so knows something about the reality of Jewish power and the perfidy of Zionism. He has in the past made what have been perceived as anti-white statements, but mostly his ire has been directed at blacks. Does that make him anti-black as well? We will deal with homophobia in due course
Yasmine was married to an Islamist terrorist, a very important one, so it is understable that she is revolted by what she sees as some aspects of Islam, but are all Moslems really enemies of America, and does Islam really need to be reformed, even though it cannot be?
Yasmine wore the hijab and later the niqab; she really does hate the hijab and has a big hang up about it. Ever heard of #NoHijabDay? The antagonism towards the hijab is a wonder to behold in certain quarters. As this word has now passed into English, I will stop italicising it, but when will these idiots stop demonising it? It’s a dress code, nothing more. Don’t we have dress codes here in the West, and aren’t they at times far more severe? If you are a man, try walking down a city street with no trousers. If you are a woman, walk down the same street topless, and see how long you last before you are stopped by an officer of the law, if not arrested.
If you are a police officer, a nurse, an airline pilot, a building site manager, or even a cakeshop assistant, try turning up for work wearing a straw hat and a boiler suit. If your boss or line manager takes objection to your mode of dress, you can always reply you feel oppressed by having to wear a uniform, a hard hat or an apron day in, day out, and it’s time you threw off your chains. Will your next employer be more accommodating?
What the Hell is it about the hijab? It’s a ribbon, a piece of silk or whatever, nothing more.
Yasmine believes in sexism and regards herself as a feminist. Well, she would, wouldn’t she?
A hadith says women are less intelligent than men — At least Allah got that right.
Women get less inheritance.
Sigh. Ever heard of a dowry? As in the West until the Married Women’s Property Act, women were not only the property of their husbands but their charges. A man was responsible for his wife’s well-being, including her debts. Ever heard of the firstborn son inheriting? Her stupidity goes on and on.
Now they get really silly. In Saudi Arabia and Turkey, the media makes up lies. “It’s not like the Western media” he says, and she agrees!! Ask Donald Trump about how honest is the Western media. On the basis of a fake dossier paid for by his political opponent, and other black propaganda, he has been accused of sexual assault, rape, of lusting after his own daughter, being a money launderer for the Russian Mafia, and an agent of the Kremlin. If the media can make up gratuitous lies like that about the most powerful man in the world, what can they do to us little people?
Canada is so wonderful, she says.
He says similar things about America in other videos.
There are groups that are trying to spread Islam and the values of Islam – shock, horror she in particular has swallowed the LGBT propaganda. Or is it now LGBTQI....?
As you surely know, the G in the above stands for gay, only there is nothing gay about male homosexuality. If you doubt this, ask yourself if you have ever met a homosexual doctor. Doctors understand what this perversion can and does do to the human body. Even today when most people are tolerant of homosexuality they do not accept it. Ask any father if he would rather his son bent over for another man in the bath-house than bow down to Allah in the mosque. It’s a no-brainer.
It is not only Yasmine who finds the hijab oppressive, but our friend with the beard. He has made other videos about it. Like Yasmine, he is scornful of the way Islam segregates the sexes. Perhaps he wouldn’t be so contemptuous of this common sense social custom if knew what happened to Kato Harris, the geography teacher who was charged with raping a thirteen year old schoolgirl. He was acquitted by a jury in just twenty-six minutes because it was clearly demonstrated that the protocols in place at the school when he was teaching there made it impossible for him to have been alone with the non-victim at the times she claimed.
We are currently experiencing #MeToo hysteria which sees women coming forward accusing men of everything from sexual harassment, however loosely defined, to aggravated rape. These alleged offences can be years or decades in the past. What does Islam say about such allegations? No Sharia court would ever entertain them, yet there are almost certainly hundreds of innocent men if not thousands serving at times lengthy prison sentences throughout the Western world and even the non-Western world for sex crimes that occurred only in the tiny minds of their accusers.
Would Yasmine heap praise so freely on Canada if her new husband were to be so accused in view of its having long abolished statutes of limitations for sex crimes, having imposed restrictive rape shield laws and begun “re-educating” judges to believe the “victim” no matter how absurd her evidence?
Would our friend with the beard speak so highly of America if he were the victim of the police brutality for which it is renowned, and which contrary to the propaganda of social justice warriors is also meted out to whites, including women, and on occasion children?
Doesn’t he realise that in the land of the free and the home of the brave, he, or virtually anyone else, can literally be murdered by a trigger happy police officer who will face no consequences for the crime, even if by some miracle he is indicted for it?
Doesn’t he realise that if he is found to be in possession of a large quantity of cash – large being whatever the police call large – it can be seized and retained until he goes through the expensive process of proving it is his? In the UK, at least one billionaire has been so treated.
In the United States, the Apostate Prophet has free speech; in Canada, Yasmine does not. She can attack Islam all she likes, but she had better not question the religion of Holocaustianity. In Germany, unlike in Iran, to do so would cost her her freedom. Indeed, in modern, democratic Germany, if she were to perform a Nazi salute or be found in possession of a swastika, she would find herself in court.
Much more could be written in the same vein, but if you haven’t got the point by now, you never will, even if I tell you that like Tommy Robinson our Apostate friend is a hasbara, who boasts openly that he writes for Pamella Geller’s website. Only a fool would worry about the implementation of Sharia when his every telephone conversation and e-mail is monitored and stored by the NSA, and where government CCTV cameras track his every move in big cities and at times quite small towns. Why worry about becoming a slave to Allah when are already a slave to Mammon?
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