Sunday 11 August 2024

Abused Women Are Toxic

Those who frequent the manosphere will be familiar with many types of women to avoid. One is the girl who tells you her ex was a pig or worse, because if you are foolish enough to invite her into your life, when the relationship sours, she will tell her next suitor that you were the ex who mistreated her.

Leaving that aside, some women are genuinely abused. And for the sake of your own well-being, they are best ignored.

If you haven’t heard of Peter Saunders, he is the certifiable lunatic who founded NAPAC. In February 2008, he arranged to meet a woman in a Manchester restaurant. He had seen her on a TV programme wherein she was relating how she had been sexually abused as a child. Saunders appears to have thought he could recruit her for his organisation, but things didn’t turn out like that. She followed him into the toilet – as any woman would do to a man she had just met – and he ended up being accused of rape.

Fortunately for him, the police took no action, but many people, including police officers, are not so lucky. Many police officers have lost their careers and their pensions because they white knighted for some crazy bitch who claimed to have been abused sexually or physically. More often than not, these women have indeed been victims of domestic abuse or worse. These men – be they detectives or regular plods – feel sorry for them and form personal relationships, which may not include actual sex.

Then, typically, months later, some poor sap finds himself being accused of preying on a “vulnerable woman”. The reality is that whether or not certain women should be struck regularly like gongs, some are, and often as not these women drift from one abusive relationship to another. It may be unfashionable to blame the victim, but at some point perpetual victims need to take ownership of their self-destructive behaviour.

Abused women are toxic. Stay away from them or pay the price.

Saturday 3 August 2024

Sex With Crazy Women

There appears to be a consensus that sex with crazy women is fantastic. It is, or can be. Unfortunately, there is a downside that can and often does far outweigh that transient euphoria.

One person who discovered that to his cost is Alexander Economou. His sexual frolics with a crazy woman left him branded a rapist then subjected to two trials, one of which he won, the other – a civil trial – he lost. You can read all about his nightmare experience here and here.

Another Alexander, not a million miles from here, ended up being arrested three times after a far more intensive encounter. The sex was fantastic, especially the head, but the downside negated it all. At least though, at the end of the day, the only person she drove to suicide was her delusional daughter.

Stay away from crazy women, don’t befriend them, don’t try to help them if they appear to be in distress, period.

Sunday 25 February 2024

New Phrases For An Old Dog

The prolificity of the English language never ceases to amaze me. In the last three, perhaps two, days, I have heard two phrases which to the best of my knowledge I have never heard before. They are Indian giver and thirst trap.

The Indian concerned is an Injun, ie Native American rather than someone from the subcontinent. The term dates from the Eighteenth Century and means (or can mean) someone who gives you something, ostensibly as a gift, then wants it back.

Of thirst trap, I will say only that this is something of a sexual nature and let you imagine the rest, if you are not familiar with it already.

Something else that never ceases to amaze me is that so many people who speak English as a second language are ultra-fluent while I am still discovering it in my sixty-seventh year.

Sunday 21 May 2023

The Fall Of Phillip Schofield

It wasn’t that long ago this bloke was a popular host on morning TV. Now, suddenly he is poison. True, he did come out as a homo in February 2020. He married in 1993, but Elton John went down the same perverted route and didn’t attract unwarranted criticism for it. More recently it was claimed he and his co-presenter Holly Willoughby jumped the queue at the Queen’s lying-in-state, hardly a hanging offence. Then his brother was given a heavy sentence for child sexual offences – sins of the siblings? And now he is gone from his morning television programme and possibly from TV period.

None of that is surprising, disappointing undoubtedly, but suddenly we are told he is a narcissist, a thug, if not in the literal sense then a verbal bully, and a few other unpleasant things besides. Why would any woman want to sit next to him on the sofa?

Now take a gander at the photograph below. The woman with the scarred face is Naomi Oni. Those scars were caused by acid. In December 2012, she was attacked by a work colleague and former friend in a well-publicised incident. Mary Konye received a twelve year sentence for that attack, not a day too long. Although plastic surgery has repaired some of the damage, Naomi is clearly serving a life sentence. She appeared on Schofield’s morning TV programme less than six weeks after the attack, and broke down visibly distressed. He doesn’t look quite such a monster here, does he?

What will people say about you after you fall from grace, or when you are dead?

Sunday 1 January 2023

Last Night In Trafalgar Square

New Year’s Eve was an improvement on last year, sort of. People were allowed in Trafalgar Square again and there was water in the fountains, but they and the centre were totally sealed off by the police and security. That was as good as it got. There was no big screen with music and live broadcasting, even worse the toilets were closed and I don’t think there were toilets anywhere except in restaurants and the like. Does it make sense when countless thousands of people are expected to flood the area – including families with at times very young kids – to close all the public toilets? This led to men urinating discreetly in corners after the event. And women?

There was the usual firework display over by the Thames which was visible over the tall buildings, but there were two additional mini-displays as well: one by Pret A Manger and another, shortly after or during the end of the main display in the north-east corner of the Square itself. I left shortly after these to carry out my annual ritual, the one I have performed since New Year’s Day 1999, then made my way home by a somewhat circuitous route via Clock House and my local kebab shop.

Wednesday 5 January 2022

The Lunatics Have Killed Trafalgar Square

Last year was bad enough, the Square was fenced off and I saw in New Year’s Day standing under a statue just south of it; the dude’s name escapes me at the moment. This year I couldn’t even do that. I left home around 9pm and caught a bus, which I expected to be slow, certainly slower than the trains that weren’t running to London Bridge, but I was still there in more than good time.

Again, it was entirely boarded up and then some. I spent a good deal of time wandering around; best not to mention the copper who thought I was urinating outside Embankment Station – I was struggling with the seal on a flapjack packet – or the idiot who thought I was his Algerian uncle spouting nonsense as one of his female companions threw up over the westbound platform.

I saw in the New Year in Leicester Square then made my way towards Covent Garden to do my annual good deeds; I stopped at two rather than the usual six, wanting to get home, but the time the bus took to get from Charing Cross Road to Duncannon Street, I could have walked there and dispensed another four.

2022 and Al is still here. No one is more amazed than me.

Thursday 30 September 2021

Poor, Brainwashed Rosie Duffield

This Labour MP was hanging out with Graham Linehan and friends on YouTube yesterday. She had recently made some “transphobic” comments, ie implying that men are not women. At least one left wing moron has demanded she lose the whip.

So what does Rosie say on this hangout? She complains we are “losing out language” and is so concerned about “the words we use”. And she says she grew up knowing about “gay rights” and attended Pride lots of times. Yeah, she calls homosexuality gay. And Pride – seriously?

Not only that, she refers to illegal immigrants as asylum seekers. And this is the woman who says we are losing our language? Give me a break.