Sunday, 20 January 2019

Why They Hate Farrakhan, And How They Lie About Him


The article below appeared on the front page of the London Jewish Chronicle, August 3, 1984. Nearly thirty-five years later, the same powerful vested interests are making the same noises about Minister Farrakhan and smearing him in the same way. To take just one recent example, when Farrakhan was branded an anti-Semite for the N thousandth time, he retorted that he was not anti-Semite but anti-termite. Shock, horror, that wicked man branded “Jewish people” termites. No, he did not. Like Donald Trump, Farrakhan has never been shy about repaying his detractors in their own coin. He branded Jewish leaders termites, the likes of the ADL who supported two Gaza massacres and the Flotilla massacre. If these people are not termites, they aren’t much higher up the food chain.

Farrakhan has also been branded anti-white. As whites are constantly being told by other whites how racist they are, surely we can forgive him this. In fact, Farrakhan’s most stringent criticism has always been reserved for his fellow blacks; he has for example attacked what he called the glorification of the gun.

So why has Farrakhan become such a hate figure for the lib-tards, one of the very few black men it is possible to attack without being branded racist?

There are two reasons, one is that like the late great Muhammad Ali he is a black separatist. In short he believes bluebirds should fly with bluebirds; that may go down well with the likes of wicked Harold Covington, but its corollary – white survival – goes down very badly with the likes of the ADL, Tim Wise, and other self-styled anti-racists for whom white survival is akin to hate. Talk about projection.

The second reason, which is just as important, is that Farrakhan is a student of the financial conspiracy; he knows how and why the Federal Reserve was founded, and how usury robs everyone from the poor to the point one percent in order to enrich the banksters. Is this man our enemy? Is he Hell!