If you haven’t heard of the 1% rule, it has absolutely nothing to do with the top 1% of which we hear so much nowadays, rather it is about the way the mainstream media consistently clowns the “far right” and has done for decades.
The bottom line is that in an organisation or movement of any size you will find 1% who are batshit crazy, who spout all manner of garbage. These are the people who are sought out by the media, elevated by them, and even given a leg up to positions of power. It isn’t only the far right who are so targeted, on occasion the far left, and more frequently religious movements have come in for this treatment. Anjem Choudary, currently serving at Her Majesty’s Pleasure, is an example of how Moslems can be and are misrepresented. Choudary’s attacks on British “Imperialism” were given prominent publicity, but when he spoke about Islamic economics, only his own cameraman was present.
So what happens to unspeakables who are not batshit crazy, who don’t foam at the mouth, and whose arguments cannot be refuted? They get the silent treatment. This has spread to Amazon and even to IMDb. Recently, CODOH point out that while scholarly books on the so-called Holocaust from the Revisionist perspective have now been banned from sale on Amazon, the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion and similar works are still being offered for sale there. The reason is not hard to seek: the Protocols has long been refuted; The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century has not, cannot, and never will be.
On June 10, I uploaded a two minute audio clip to YouTube entitled Notorious Holocaust Liar Kicks The Bucket, in which I pointed out that the recently deceased Gena Turgel, often portrayed as a saintly figure, was in reality a wicked liar. The video was removed the same day, and my account earned a strike. I appealed, and as you can see, the appeal makes the simple point that whatever I said about Gena Turgel pales by comparison with some of the allegations levelled against countless celebrities worldwide. It is clear my appeal was dismissed summarily and was probably not even read in a meaningful sense.
Four days later, a review I posted to IMDb of a CODOH documentary was rejected, but you can read it here.
It is clear that the people who run especially YouTube are allowing themselves to be pushed around by or even worse have been indoctrinated by both the misnamed social justice crowd and Organised Jewry. The latter includes the ADL, whose previous head honcho the odious Abraham Foxman condoned the mass murder of Palestinian civilians in two terrible assaults on Gaza by the IDF. How sad is that?