Thursday, 23 November 2017

The Persecution Of Alison Chabloz

If you haven’t heard of Miss Chabloz (technically Mrs Chabloz), she is a talented singer-songwriter who for the past few years has been making waves by writing and performing what might be loosely termed politically incorrect songs.

If you haven’t heard of the Campaign Against Antisemitism (spelt thus) you can probably guess from its name that it is a charity that campaigns against anti-Semitism. To that one should add the qualifier “real and imagined”, and also that for a so-called charity it is extremely uncharitable. To that one should add a further qualification that the people who run it are either incredibly stupid, incredibly venal, or both.

What happens when you put Alison Chabloz together with the Campaign Against Antisemitism? You get a toxic mix of censorship and legal persecution, because some of the songs of Miss Chabloz are regarded by the people behind the Campaign Against Antisemitism as offensive, and, would you believe, anti-Semitic? One of these songs is (((Survivors))) written so, although she stole the melody from Hava Nagila. No, they are not accusing her of plagiarism, just anti-Semitism.

If you haven’t heard (((Survivors))), you can check it out on YouTube. As Google, the company that owns YouTube, is based in the United States along with its servers, one is entitled to ask if there is not the little matter of jurisdiction. However, this is far from the first time an innocuous video hosted overseas has resulted in a UK national facing prosecution, so the Campaign Against Antisemitism and the clowns who control our criminal justice system are obviously sure of themselves on this point if no other.

Alison Chabloz has had her property seized, in particular a computer, been arrested, and last month was arrested again. Have you played the song yet? Right, yes, it is mildly humorous, it also takes a swipe at two people who deserve to be ridiculed, both of them Jews, both of them shameless liars.

Elie Wiesel who died last year is considered one of the patron saints of the Holocaust. Recently he was accused of sexually assaulting a teenager at a charity event in the 1980s. We need not take such rubbish seriously even if some in the mainstream do, especially in the current climate, but credible allegations have been made against Wiesel by credible sources. Myklos Grüner was a Jew who was interned in Buchenwald camp at the same time Wiesel was allegedly interned there. For years he waged a campaign against Wiesel claiming he was an imposter. As pointed out in (((Survivors))), Wiesel had no tattoo. There is an entire website devoted to this issue. Although GrĂ¼ner found no satisfaction in the courts, the enigma remains.

The other person featured in the song is Irene Zisblatt, whose tale about how she survived Auschwitz beggars belief. Best not to ask about the diamonds or what she says she did with them. Even mainstream exterminationist scholars are embarrassed by the likes of Irene Zisblatt, although few dare to say so publicly, but the young American Revisionist Eric Hunt has produced a series of videos about the forbidden subject, one of which highlights what might be politely called anomalies in her testimony.

It could be mildly embarrassing for the Campaign Against Antisemitism if these issues are raised in court.

Leaving that aside though, what do they hope to achieve? Could it be to persuade Alison Chabloz and others they consider anti-Semites that a number of well-known anti-Jewish stereotypes are false?

Well, let’s look at a few such stereotypes that might arise out of this prosecution:

A belief that Jews are a specially protected class.
That they exert undue influence over the criminal justice system.
That they are mendaciously censoring their perceived political enemies.
That they are trying to suppress the truth.
That they are malicious.
That they are simply not nice people.

In the United States, which has a much larger Jewish population than the UK, there are constitutional guarantees of freedom of expression. Organised Jewry may whine to High Heaven about hate speech, bigotry, anti-Semitism, ad nauseam, but does anyone who matters take any notice of genuine anti-Semitism? We live in troubled times; there are those of a certain political persuasion, Islamists, who if they could would murder us all in our beds: heathens, Jews, even moderate Moslems. By persecuting and prosecuting innocuous people like Alison Chabloz, the Campaign Against Antisemitism and the Jewish establishment risk alienating people they might one day be glad to have in their corner.

Friday, 3 November 2017

How Feminist Airheads Lie With Statistics

The screengrab below is of a message posted to Reddit shortly after I posted an advert/appeal for the False Rape Timeline. I haven’t been able to identify this individual but I don’t think it is assuming too much to say she is a radical feminist, or some kind of self-identifying feminist. Regardless of either political affiliation or gender, the argument used is typical, so I use this refutation as an example of how to deal with these braindead morons.

She begins by pointing out that every timeline entry is separated from the one above by an hr tag – in reality an hr followed by a p (paragraph) tag. As hr appears 3,250 times, there are 3,249 entries, one fewer than I claimed. While it is nice to meet a woman who can understand HTML – even the code I write! – this was an unnecessarily niggardly comment. As I make clear, the timeline doesn’t contain simply false rape allegations, there are false allegations of attempted rape, indecent assault, and such things as journal articles. However, there were at the time more than 3,250 false allegations of rape. The December 14, 2006 entry alone alludes to over two thousand false allegations which resulted from a scam pulled by the corrupt law firm Leigh Day in Kenya, and the entry for August 28, 2017 relating to false rape allegations in the Congo contains an unspecified number of false allegations, and explains how and why they came about.

Before addressing the substance of her claim I would like to point out that I am not, have never been, and will never be, an MRA. I am very much a traditionalist, albeit a failed one, and a somewhat reluctant MGTOW.

Now coming to her statistics, she claims – using the timeline – the rate of false allegations amounts to 11 per 100,000. But only assuming we can trust these numbers. Then using some dubious arithmetic she claims this makes it thirty times more likely for (a man) to be struck by lightning than to be falsely accused of rape.

According to a BBC report from 2014, around 24,000 people are actually killed by lightning every year, a shockingly high figure (no pun intended). On October 13, 2016, the Guardian reported there were 23,851 official allegations of adults being raped in the year 2015/6, almost all of them women, yet there were a total of only 2,689 convictions over the same period (for rapes of adults and children). Granted there will be some overlap from 2014, and many of the above reports not having come to trial, but it is clear that the vast majority of allegations do not result in conviction.

Feminist airheads would have us believe that the criminal justice system is at fault, but as many police officers and lawyers will admit, albeit only off the record, at least half of all reports are false, like they never happened, or are regret sex, ie women who have had consensual sex then withdrawn their consent retroactively. One of the very few willing to go on the record is the former district attorney Craig Silverman.

Finally, the entry for October 24, 2003 reports that since the beginning of the year, in the city of Dunedin, New Zealand (population less than 150,000) there had been no fewer than seven false reports of rape, two in the previous two weeks. The feminist statistics (read lies) are parrotted incessantly, but they have no basis in fact. As for me, I’ll take my chances with the lightning.